
Elite Innovators

The website provides full-service SR&ED tax credit consulting for Canadian businesses, including claim preparation, audit defense, and a client management dashboard for handling inquiries.


An attendance system built on a rolling qrcodes to increase productivity and accuracy during large gatherings.


Krios: Competition Robot

As the software lead of Tronic Titans Robotics club I helped and developed the software for Krios; The 2023 Competition robot that went as far as qualifying for world championship at Houston Texas.

APS: Arm Physics Simulation

This is a physics based arm simulation with 2 degrees of freedom that uses PID and Feedforward control systems to reach its target angle using a Trapezoid motion profiler, just like in the real world. It's a great learning platform for understanding the motions and values without having real world consequences such as burning out motors, breaking hard-stops, and/or causing damages while testing.